Mac equivalents of Windows keys
Oct 07, 2020 And based on your preference, you can change the keyboard layout on your Mac to type faster in a specific language. So, whether you want to write comfortably in Dutch or Chinese, there is a suitable layout for you. Let me walk you through the quick steps! Quick links: How to Change Mac Keyboard Layout; Switch Between Keyboard Layouts on Mac. Click on Regional and Language Options. Click the Keyboards and Languages tab and then click Change keyboards. Under Installed services, click Add. In the Add Input Language dialog box, select the keyboard layout you would like to add from the list available and click OK. The keyboard layout you added will be included in the list.
Many of the keys that you'd see on a PC have equivalent keys on an Apple keyboard.
Windows logo: Press Command (⌘).

Backspace or Delete: Press Delete.
Enter or ⏎: Press Return.
Alt (left): Press Option (⌥).
Alt GR (right): Press Option + Control.

Applications: This key isn't available on Apple keyboards.
Use the On-Screen Keyboard for other functions
If your Apple keyboard doesn't include the following keys, you can recreate them in Windows using the On-Screen Keyboard.
Use the Snipping Tool to print screen
How To Change Keyboard Language On Macbook Pro 13

To recreate the Print Screen and Print Active Window function in Windows, use the Snipping Tool.
If your keyboard isn't working as expected in Windows
If your Apple keyboard works as expected in macOS but not in Windows, try these solutions:
- Install the latest Apple software updates for Windows.
- Install the latest Windows support software.
- If you're using Microsoft Windows 10 N, install the latest Media Feature Pack.

How To Change Apple Keyboard Language
Learn more
How To Change Macbook Keyboard Language Change
- Microsoft provides a keyboard mapping article that describes using a Windows keyboard with macOS.
- Use Microsoft Keyboard Layout Creator to find key combinations for the unique characters used by the language and region your Apple keyboard is designed to support:
- Download, install, and open the Microsoft Keyboard Layout Creator.
- Choose File > Load Existing Keyboard.
- Select the keyboard you want to see.
- Find the country or region name in the keyboard list that's followed by '(Apple)'.
- Follow the instructions provided with the app. You can print images of the keyboard, including what keys look like when holding modifiers like Shift, Option, or Fn.